How would you react in a life-or-death situation?

It’s a question everyone asks themselves, but few have to face in real life. English teacher Richard Boyle certainly never thought he would find himself talking down a former student intent on harming others, but when Mark LeDrew shows up at Richard’s school with a bomb strapped to his chest, Richard immediately jumps into action. Thanks to some quick thinking, he averts a major tragedy and is hailed as a hero, but not all the attention focused on him is positive.

Richard’s brief moment in the spotlight puts him in the sights of a deranged blackmailer with a score to settle. The situation rapidly spirals out of control, drawing Richard into a fraught web of salacious accusations and deadly secrets. As he tries to uncover the truth he discovers that there’s something deeply wrong in the town—something that ties together Mark, the blackmailer, and a gang of ruthless drug dealers, and Richard has landed smack in the middle of it. He’s desperate to find a way out, but everyone in his life seems to be hiding something, and trusting the wrong person could cost him everything he loves.

What price will he pay for one good deed?


curl up and read thoughts

Through the intensity of I Will Ruin You, the reader is taken along a twisted journey to finding the truth, after a former student tries to detonate a bomb at the school he attended.

Richard Boyle is our primary character who is determined to find answers, even as events unfold around him in very desperate ways.

Can he protect his family? Can he discover the truth that is hidden behind the nefarious events? What dark doors will he open along the way?

I couldn’t stop reading, and finished the book in one day, scarcely getting up from my chair or eating my meals. 5 stars for sure!


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