When I changed up my header this week, I added the above photo to the right side of my banner to spotlight my own bookish contributions, with a peek at my Wizard of Oz characters that illustrate my bookish journey. 

I feel as though I have wandered down my own Yellow Brick Road in my journey to books and blogging.  It has been more than ten years since I created my first blog, and since then, there have been a few attempts to go above and beyond, with as many as twenty blogs at one point.  Happily, I now have six.  If you enjoy rambling tales, you could check out My Blogging Journey, over at my Potpourri blog.

I just reread it all, and I sighed a little at the ups and downs.  I was very happy to add this particular blog (in 2009), where I track my purchases, my review books, and my reading.  Seriously, I am finding many uses for that information.

Here is a stack of my TBR when I created this blog.  I moved into this downsized space with boxes of these books, and I refused to include them with the books I’d read, on those shelves.  Since then, I have also donated a few hundred of the books I had already read and reviewed. 

While I have whittled down most of those stacks, I have added a few more.  But they are primarily hiding out on Paige, my Kindle.  Sneaky, right?

I have also utilized the Goodreads site to keep track, as I eventually updated my pages here to include books from 2014 forward.

So…to sum up this particular Bookworm’s Journey, I use blogs to help me with my reading, writing, etc.   With the holidays around the corner, I still look forward to those gift cards that allow me to add more books to my shelves.  Mostly e-books, though.  I am expecting a hardcover book next week, as I love books with photos, and this one will be one to savor:

Wallis in Love, by Andrew Morton


Today I hope to finish an e-book that I’ve been reading off and on since early in the week:

Gone So Long, by Andre Dubus III

I have read and loved other books by this author, but my favorite so far was House of Sand and Fog, and the movie based on the book, starring Jennifer Connelly and Ben Kingsley.


So…I have offered just a peek at my journey, but I hope you enjoyed the somewhat convoluted path I have taken.

What does your journey look like?



  1. Photos tell us so much so the Wallis book will be interesting. I’ve just finished a photo book Obama by Pete Souza and the photos were wonderful. Blogs and Goodreads are perfect for keeping track of our reading and paperbacks and hardbacks are forever my love but … the Kindle – it gives so many reading opportunities.

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