


Welcome to another Tuesday celebrating bookish events, from Tuesday/First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Bibliophile by the Sea; and Teaser Tuesdays hosted by A Daily Rhythm.

Today I am spotlighting a book I downloaded in 2014, from an author I have enjoyed.  The Perfect Stranger, from Wendy Corsi Staub sounds like a really frightening book.  It is a story of one woman who connects with a bunch of bloggers, and now she may regret it.





Intro:  (Prologue)

When the doctor’s receptionist called this morning to say that they had the results, it never dawned on her that it might be bad news.

“Hi, hon,” Janine said—she called all the patients “hon”—and casually requested that she come by in person this afternoon.  She even used just that phrasing, and it was a question, as opposed to a command:  “Can you come by the office in person this afternoon?”

Come by.

So breezy.  So inconsequential.  So…so everything this situation is not.

What if she’d told Janine, over the phone, that she was busy this afternoon?  Would the receptionist then have at least hinted that her presence at the office was urgent; that it was, in fact, more than a mere request?


Teaser:  Landry’s cell phone rings as she again paces the length of the master bedroom with it in her hand.

It’s about time.

Over an hour has passed since she e-mailed her number, along with a link to the Cincinnati newspaper article—LOCAL WOMAN MURDERED IN APPARENT HOME INVASION—to the three remaining online friends with whom she communicates most regularly:  Elena, Jaycee, and A-Okay. (p. 61).


Blurb: In New York Times bestselling author Wendy Corsi Staub’s new thriller, one woman finds herself in the crosshairs of a twisted predator who might just be masked behind a familiar screen name . . .

During the darkest period of her life, Landry Wells found solace in a group of bloggers who had been in her shoes and lived to tell the tale. She’s shared things with her online friends that even her husband and children didn’t know. Things that now, looking back, make her uneasy.

One of the bloggers is dead, victim of a random crime—or was it? Did she trust too easily; reveal too much? At the funeral a thousand miles from home, Landry is about to come face to face at last with the others. These women are her closest confidantes in the world: they understand her; they know everything about her—and one of them might be a cold-blooded killer . . .


What do you think?  Does this one grab you?  Would you keep reading?  I know I’m ready for something that totally engages me.



  1. I’ve read a couple of other books by this author – that I can’t think of right now, of course. Anyway, I remember liking them a lot. This book sounds perfect for me. Thanks for sharing! Putting it on my list. The online danger is very scary and something for all of us to keep in mind. LOL


  2. After all the above comments I would have to give this one a try. This is why I like this meme, it exposes me to titles I would never consider on my own. Thanks Laurelrain. Oh, and I love your new header!


  3. What a fascinating idea for a story! Many of us seem to think we’re anonymous when we’re online, but that definitely isn’t the case. This sounds like a book I’d thoroughly enjoy.
    Thank you for visiting my blog. I always enjoy your comments.


  4. That sounds like a good suspense- bloggers behaving badly apparently. 🙂 Although that may be an understatement according to the blurb! Looks like a good one!


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