



One year after the death of their mother, Janie Hughes, her grown daughters, Georgia and Olivia, are planning to carry out her final wishes: scattering her ashes in two designated spots in the small town of Huntley, Georgia, where she spent her childhood.

Neither of them understand this request, nor do they know why their mother never told them anything about her childhood. So Olivia, feeling the need for escape because of some issues with her fiancé Leo, decides to drive down there and scout things out. Learn a little about their mother. Georgia’s fourteen-year-old daughter Logan goes with her.

From the moment they arrive, they discover numerous unsettling facts, including the major one of Huntley no longer existing, as it was inundated by a flood and is now buried under water.

One of the first people they meet is Elliott Tate, who runs the newspaper and is eager for a story. He volunteers his assistance as Olivia and Logan sort through archives, records, and plat maps, trying to discover Janie’s mysterious past.

What totally unexpected events will they uncover? How will the secrets of the past change the course of Olivia’s life? And how will her growing attraction to Elliott, at a time when she is desperately searching for a way to end her relationship with Leo, turn everything upside down for her? And what stunning last surprise discovery will cement the bonds between them all, as they finally bring the past to a satisfactory conclusion?

Cancel the Wedding: A Novel was a story that did not engage me right away, but once it did, I could not stop turning those pages, as each page brought new and delightful treasures. I enjoyed the characters like Olivia, Elliott, and Logan, but felt that Georgia was too judgmental and critical. Leo was overly controlling and I disliked him immediately. At the end, Georgia and Leo redeemed themselves a bit. A story with a lot of mystery, some romance, and a gloriously satisfying ending, I offer this book 4.5 stars.


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Cleopatra…I was very happy with how things played out in this book, and I love that about characters, too. Just when I think they are not redeemable, they do something wonderful!


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