Anthony and Rachel Brinkley are enjoying their empty nest in Suffolk, especially since their three grown sons, Edward, Ralph, and Luke, stay in close touch. Edward is married to Sigrid, and they have a daughter Mariella. Ralph, who is often a challenge, now seems settled in nicely with Petra and their two boys, Kit and Barney.

But with Luke marrying Charlotte, Rachel is a little nervous. She suspects that Charlotte will not “fall into line” as nicely as the other two daughters-in-law.

She is right. Charlotte is used to getting what she wants, and she has some very definite ideas about how her new relationship with the in-laws will proceed.

But what Rachel could not have predicted would be the intense chaos that rises up during that summer, and how Sigrid and Petra seemingly step out of line, just as Charlotte is asserting herself.

Daughters-in-Law was a delightful family tale that reveals much of what often goes on behind the scenes in families, and shows the reader how one new addition to the mix can stir things up in unexpected ways.

I enjoyed this story, narrated from multiple perspectives, and at some point or another, found each character annoying, but in ways that made them seem real. Like people you might know. 4.0 stars.


  1. Seems like most women I know have a least one daughter-in-law that causes a problem. Not sure why that is? I only have one son, so only one DIL. We get along well. I am adding this one to my list of want -to -reads.


  2. I read this one some time back and remember liking it and also remember thinking some of the characters were quite annoying. Might need to reread it. I’m a mother-in-law and also a daughter-in-law. My son-in-law is quiet and a little hard to know, but that’s just him. He cares for my daughter so much. My mother-in-law has grown on me or maybe I’ve just gotten better at liking her. She is very different from how my own mother was. Isn’t that always the way?


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