In this past year, I have made considerable progress on my TBR stacks—despite the influx of new books.

In order to more accurately reflect the progress, I have marked books off of my list…and documented the changes with photos.

My old TBRs (as distinguished from new books received) have diminished from 166 books to 108.  During this same time period, I have acquired more books.  My total books read during 2010 is 113 books, so my reading progress is more significant than would appear by the numbers decreased on the old TBRs.  You can read the story of my journey HERE.

Now, if only I could stop buying and accepting books, I would probably eliminate the piles by the end of this upcoming year—judging from the rate I’m reading.  LOL

That’s probably not going to happen, though…but I’m just happy to be actually tracking my books and my reading.

What do you do to deal with your TBR stacks?

5 thoughts on “THE JOURNEY CONTINUES….

  1. Very sensible, Laurel-Rain, to be working on those TBRs! Some people keep buying books and only read a fraction of them. I’m working on mine, but I don’t have all that many. About 30. Still, no library, few review copies, and I should be getting somewhere!


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Judith. When I moved to my smaller place three-and-a-half years ago, I realized how many unread books I had. I packed them separately (from the books I’d read), and then stacked them in piles in my bedroom. One day I decided to inventory them and document my progress; from there, this blog was born.

      It makes the journey fun and a challenge to have photos and documents to track the progress.



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